Armar chemicals

„The source for deuterated compounds."

ARMAR AG was founded in 1986 as a joint-stock company with head office in Döttingen (Switzerland) and is one hundred per cent family-owned.

We are the leading producer and supplier of NMR-solvents, deuterated compounds and NMR-tubes and provide NMR-users in chemical analysis and R & D worldwide. Thanks to a well-structured distribution network our export accounts for 80 %.

Due to our subsidiary company ARMAR (Europa) GmbH in Leipzig (Germany) we have established ourselves in the European Union. This has substantially strengthened our capacity to compete on an international basis.

NMR solvents and deuterated compounds are produced in Switzerland by Armar AG and distributed throughout the Czech Republic by Eurorad Ltd.

Over 200 of the highest quality compounds are available.

All are tested at Armar's state of the art laboratories using Karl Fischer titration and NMR spectroscopy. Special analysis is carried out by the Chemistry department at the University of Freiburg.

Armar AG 2025 products catalog to download as .pdf file  HERE.



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