BÜHLMANN Laboratories


What makes BÜHLMANN unique in the world of diagnostics? We have asked our customers, distributors and employees. Their answers can be symbolized up in the mascot of BÜHLMANN, the Saint Bernard Dogs, as they accompany us since more than 30 years. Saint Bernard dogs are unique, reliable and independent - and so is BÜHLMANN.

Unique IVD Parameters

BÜHLMANN is focusing on five selected areas of in-vitro diagnostics: Cellular Allergy, NeuroImmunology, Inflammation, Chronobiology and Clinical Chemistry.

Rapidly growing is the need for our BÜHLMANN Calprotectin assays, either as BÜHLMANN fCAL™ ELISA or as quantitative rapid test on the Quantum Blue® Reader.

BÜHLMANN offers diagnostics beyond the usual: For example with its unique and patented menu of Cellular Allergy assays, the CAST® system (Cellular Allergen Stimulation Test), based on ELISA or Flow Cytometry technologies, provide results beyond conventional IgE assays. Main applications are insect venoms, food, latex, antibiotics or non-IgE mediated allergies such as drug hypersensitivities.

BÜHLMANN today is world leader in speciality diagnostics like melatonin assays or ganglioside assays, but also in niche markets like Amanitin phalloides intoxication diagnosis.

BÜHLMANN is known for more than 35 years for the outstanding quality of its products, its excellent aftersales services and a worldwide availability through a network of highly qualified distributors. The company is certified according to the international standards ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003.

BÜHLMANN Laboratories 2025 catalog to download as .pdf file  HERE.



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